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Tayler M. Jones

Tayler is a second year graduate student in the clinical psychology doctoral program at UIC working with Dr. Bottoms. She received her Bachelor of Arts in Psychology at Oklahoma State University in 2016, where she completed a thesis analyzing the effects of past abuse history on individuals' trait empathy in adulthood. She also conducted research in the fields of child trauma and memory and cognitive aging. Her current research interests lie in understanding how individual differences, especially past victimization, influence jurors' attitudes and decision making in child sexual abuse cases. She is also interested in the mechanisms that underlie cognitive deficits and the perceptions of such deficits in forensic interviews with children.

Kelly Burke

Kelly C. Burke is a graduate student in the Social Psychology Program at the University of Illinois at Chicago. She received her bachelor’s degree from the University of Kansas, where she conducted research on in-group/out-group identification, meritocracy, and entitlement.


Ms. Burke conducts research in the field of Psychology and Law, on topics such as the impact of victim race and jury racial diversity on jury decision making in murder cases. She is a member of the American Psychological Association and the American Psychology-Law Society, and has reviewed manuscripts for Worth Publishers and Psychology, Public Policy, and the Law.

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Current Graduate Students 

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